Never thought of kayaking is not that hard at all. I was barefooted, watching and taking pictures at the beach. Lying there.. one single peddler kayak then,why not giving a trial! Afterall , most of the others out there on the water are first timers too, includes my kids!
My first rowing.....
towards this small island fore fronting Batu Feringghi beach.
Despite my late start, I manage to join others going near to this island. We stop for a while, floating and cheering. I had just amazed with everything sorrounding me. Ican't believe myself of doing this and can't stop thinking...What I am now was totally out of my mind and kayaking is never in my wishlist, but I feel blessed. Serene and close to nature. Wow.. the scene form the sea is breathtaking. I should bring my camera. Will that be next time? It's not like watching beach from ferry but I am in control of the panoramic view around. One of my friend from a two peddler kayak called me twice as him wondering why I was so quiet. No I am not afraid being there but I just so amazed with everthing .... The water we conquerred was the tsunami heated area few years back. We could see the new placement for tsunami victims along the beach , sanwiched in between big hotels and tourist centers. There was also a newly build Mesjid Terapung looks so serene adding to a perfect view.
Heading back to the beach we raced; for nothing but fun! Ha ha ha..I quickly peddle to reach my camera so I can catch Ammer and Kakak in action.
Ammer in action...tak kasi orang tolong tarik kayak dia...
maklang masa muda belia dulu pernah jugak cuba...enjoylah jugak...
Ingat nak buat RE tadi...rupanya..moRE...tipah tertipu lagi...
ku masih menuggu nak tengok muka dr depan....hahaha...syabas cikmilah saya tak pernah pun kayaking...hehehe
seronok... memang seronok... link boleh?
nampak seronok berkayak tu..
neeza teringin tapi takut sebab neeza tak reti swimming..
best gak kan maklang.. ni dah masuk 4 carat club baru nak start!
KakElle.. haaa, tu baru intro gambar sipi.. he he he
Mulan.. sila lah sila...
Neeza, kita acah jer tu...try kat laut yg tak dalam dulu...
Tapi seronok jugak!:)
salam ...
pernah kayaking , seminggu sakit badan ...
Salam pb, Alhamduliilah tak sakit badan, tapi letih la sikit...
Agaknya saya tak buat betul2, itu yg urat saraf tak tension kot....:)
Kelihatan santai ...
Salam CikMilah,
Saya dah tobat kayaking. Cukuplah pengalaman yang cukup penat sampai sakit-sakit badan. Maybe saya berkayak dalam keadaan tertekan. Join treasure hunt. Last round kena berkayak untuk berebut barang. Letih yang amat.
salam kenallll....
saya last kali naik kayak 10 tahun lepas, best kan..
ya AbangLong, santai kejap kat pantai...
Zlaa.. meh balik nnati kita pi kayak lagi...:))
Maksu, terima kasih, salam kenal., Saya link ya.. namaku Jamilah jua...
Cendawanintim, memang bst, agaknya pantai tu tenang saja...tapi kalau kat jeran sunagi tu.. tak berani kot! he he he
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