7 Mac. Saturday is a family day. After a thought,finally we left 3 kiddos home alone, MamaAbah taking-up invitation from PDRM for a community ride. Destination is somewhere near to us but of places of that never heard about before! Shame on us! Getting there is easy and accessible by a highway but the captain rider chose kampung road. Time to rrrramping... and lapping.., kata Cat Cat, oh no Cat! Head of Penang police contingent is a captain rider today...Kali ini ialah penunggangan motorbesar secara berhemah OK, tapi kalau dia rempit, kita kena ikut, betoi dak? hahahaha
After breafing and simple breakfast as IPK near Komtar, we convoyed in 150 big bikes to 2 destinations- an orphanage home and a RPRT home. The road is clear, may be due to early Saturday morning that most Penangites has their extended sleep :) but I do believe that was because the traffic white horse motor is heading. Thus no adventorous at all!. A line clear zooming. A warm welcome at the orphanage. Looking at their beaming eyes.. ya Allah. I could not hold my tears seeing them living away form love of parents. This is not a 100% orphanage home as it's also sheltering unlucky kids from divorce cases and also abused kids. I am sorry have to disclose their identity as advised by the organiser because most of them are still on the ongoing trial in court cases. After giving donation, we treated them bigbike rides around ..yayyyyy.. being kids all are over ecxited. Nak lagi, nak lagi..nak lagi..!!!!!
OK OK..kali ni kita kena stop sbb pakcik nak pergi tempat lain pulak, nanti pakcik mai lagi ya! Belajar rajin-rajin dan jangan tinggal sembahyang, doa mak ayah, ya.
We left them with heavy eyes...we wish them understand, we do care, we love them.
We rode away the plantation roads to reach RPRT homes and arrive at lunch hour. RPRT is stand for rancangan perumahan rakyat termiskin. They have better living here in houses build by the government and they work in rubber and palm oil plantation.
We had kenduri sponsored by organiser and then giving away ABATE insecticide; with advise and doa that this will help them to protect families away from epidemical denggue and chikugunya. ( Nauzubillah )
Deep inside my heart, I thank Allah off all the His Mercy giving us a decent living. Alhamdulillah , we're given a way to go close o the needy and get personally in touch and have a feel of their way. May Allah bless all of us.
fuiyoooooo.....tu dia,merempit..bestnye!nak2 plak dpt peluk mesra cik abg...hehe
moga kita tak alpa dgn dgn nikmat yg diberi-Nya.
Wah, bestnya rempit naik moter besaq , dengan abang polis lagi :)
Memang sebak bila ziarah rumah perlindungan kanak-kanak , akak pernah ziarah mereka dulu di Kuantan , memang tak tahan airmata .
btw, bestnya dah dapat jumpa Prof Kamil , bila agaknya akak dapat jumpa , peminat setia dia akak ni ..hehe.
bestnya kak Cik.. camana Kak CIk boleh join tu? husband kak Cik polis ke?
Memang sayu kan tengok anak2 yatim and yang parents bermasaalah ni..
mereka tak bersalah langsung tapi ramai yang pandang serong pada mereka especially kat sekolah.
hehe.. nakalnya ko Tulip! Tu la petua kekal mesra bila dah capai 40-an ni...anak dah besar, mak ayah naik motor.. hehe.
salam Kakrina, ni rempit halal..hihihi
Perbakti yg amat di galak kan menolonh insan yg susah dan tak bermaya.
hai rempit2 ye:)
CikMilah apa khabar?. lama tidak bertanya khabar? Semoga CikMilah dan keluarga sihat dan gembira sentiasa.
KakRina, semuga satu hari dapat jumpa Prof. Cuba hubungi Puan Syam PA beliau. Prof kan org T'ganu,tentu seronok dia klau dapat jemputan syarahan di negeri sendiri...
KakElle, hahaha, remapit sikit jer kak..sambil menyelam minum air.. kita kena juga ambil kisah mereka yang memerlukan bantuan dan perhatian...
Ja, lawatan tu atas jemputan PDRM. Sebenarnya kita bikers selalu buat riding amal atas inisiatif sendiri. Dari ride kosong kesana kemari, lebih baik jika sesekali menyumbang sesuatu pada masyarakat. Selalunya kita akan mohon permit polis untuk aktiviti ini. Alhamdulillah sekarang polis pula yang berminat buat program riding amal..
Minat ke, jom ajak Shahril join bila balik sini!
Salam PakLatip, teriam kasih sudi bertandang...Saya dan keluarga sihat. Alhamdulillah. Semuga Pak LAtip juga sihat sejahtera dan terus berkarya.
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