Alhamdulillah, masih bernafas di bumi Allah yang penuh rahmat dan nikmat. Sibuk itu sebenarnya nikmat yang Allah beri untuk mencapai kepuasan kita mengisi hidup.
At last, I managed to squeeze some times to jump out from my hatching nest and say ...
- hey... I got a job. I mean, I am back to employment after that grey 23rd January retrenchment.
- a new life will be at a MNC in Kulim HiTech Industrial Area, start work on 23rd Feb. Ewwwww.. it is exactly one month of being un-employed ( now I can consider those time lapse as cuti panjang...hehe)
- becoming an in-house instructor at a one stop center to learn bakes and cakes. I will be a chocolate craft instructor, my first class intake is on 8th nerves wrack!!! I am teaching homemade chocolate.
- still have hantaran and hamper gift to be completed today. A die die must do! As I am back to work, then I am not gonna compensate my night sleep to this artsy craftsy work. Got to be fresh and alert for that new workplace environment.
- buiding a new blog for my chocolate ventures...
- start taking a class at the nearby mosque ( 10.00 am - 12.00 noon) on every Sunday.
To everyone who responded to last 2 entries, thank-you very much. I really appreciate all the comments, wishes, doa and thoughts. I really do. I am sorry, and I regret of not being able to reply to each and everyone. Doa dari saya semuga Allah membalas segala kebaikan semua dengan ganjaran yang lebih baik.
To Ummi365 who callled me while I was still in the interview room, waiting for my offer letter. thank-you dear. Your voice is soo sweet. I was still shilvering at that moment. Smsed to dear hubby and fews names that came to my mind to overcome my nervous. In shocking state, sort of... I was never expect to get that job real fast and called to start work immediately.
To KakElle, thank you very much for yr sms and words of courage. Eat good and take care. Sempat jengok blog akak, nampak sedap nya asam pedas tu...yumm yummy..
KakSilversarina, get well soon. I was driving along the PG Bridge when received yr sms..
Azzah8, maaf, sms you pun I tak sempat jawab. Nanti I ambik gambar dengan jubah tu ya; tapi kena pendekkan sikit. Biasalah, jubah Arab memang panjang. Nak tengok I pakai jubah Azzah dan bergaya dengan beg EA yang KakElle beli kat states! Wink wink...!!
Suhaila, good luck on your new transfer..nanti kita jumpa eh!
Salam and bye everyone. Today is the first class at the mosque. Got to run to mesjid. Kelas mengaji mesti duduk paling depan. Kalau tak nanti I ngantuk!
Semuga rahmat Allah, petunjuk dan hidayahNya sentiasa bersama kita. Semuga kita di beri olehNya kesihatan yang baik, dan kemampuan mengimbangi tuntutan dunia dan mencari bekal ke alam barzakh and baqa. Amin.
Congrats once again for being employed in this bad situation...rezeki tak kemana kan?Even though you are over qualified they still employ you:)
OK understood you'll be busy btw where's the cookery class ank ikut sama belajar lah bolih tak?
tahniah..happy dengar Cik Milah dah dapat kerja...
Allah Maha Pengasih..
Ada kawan kat Kulim Hi Tech tu...kawa lama masa kat US dulu...
semuga berjaya dengan kerja baru...take care...
Tahniah Mak Su.
ALhamdulillah, ALlah itu Maha Pengasih, Maha Penyayang dan Maha Pemurah. Tahniah for the new job...(hurm.. jobs..I mean...)
congratS sis...moga hidup akan lg berseri,ceria dgn rahmahNya.
fuiyooo...tgk tu,ilang satu dpt terus 2 job sekali na :)
alhamdulillah kakcik murah rezeki. moga serasi dan berjaya. moga my sis kat kampung pun dapat kerja juga, sony kan retrenched staff juga.
alhamdulillah... rahmat Allah.. hikmah disebalik segala nya..
Kak Elle, betullah, when one door closed, others will open. Alhamdulillah.Nikmat Tuhan yang amat besar.
Class that I am teaching is just a part time on weekend. InsyaAllah. Just a homemade chocolate making only..
Thanks Maklang. Mmg betul tak sangka..tapi saya ingatkan diri bahawa semua ini pinjaman ari Allah.
Ia ke..orang besar tentunya kawan maklang tu..
Cik Anon. Ni mest anak penakan ni..thanks sayang oiii.. sapa tuuuuu...
Azzah, thanks..doakan I dapat bahagi masa dengan baik dan di permudahkan olehNya dalam segala hal.
Kerja kat food craft center tu , hobi sebenarnya.. hehe
Dik Tulip, ketaq jugak ni sebenaqnya..
tapi mengajar buat coklat tu, macam hobi; sharing ilmu dengan sesapa berminat nak buat sendiri coklat di rumah.
Semuga adik zany oun cepat dapat kerja baru. Cakap ngan dia ada few opening kat mpsp dan kpj, bandar perda....
My dear sweet cikmilah.. you sound sweet too you know.. you sounded confident jugak.. hahaha first time we are hearing our voiceskan..
All the best to you!!
Alhamdulillah... I'm so happy for you kakcik. Takde yang lebih gembira melainkan lihat kawan Ja gembira.
All the best ditempat baru ya..
err.. orang2 kat situ sure takut dengan kak cik sebab kak cik over qualified (experience lama kan..)
Congrats! I'm happy for you...
Tahniah!....kalau dah rezeki tu akhirnya akan tiba juga masanya.
Tahniah jugak maksu
hahaha .. ya benar ummi..
Ja, lain padang lain belalang nya..seram jugak denagn tempat baru ni. Hi-Tech!
Thanks KakNong...
PakMan, syukur benar-benar. Tak sangka waktu gawat gini , masih ada ruang untuk saya berkhidmat dan memcari rezeki.
Anon.. syukur.. Alhamdulillah. Lain kali tinggai la nama cek na....
Alhamdulillah.. hepi for u sis :-)
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